Features & Benefits | Standard Free | Premium $2.95/mo. | Premium $19.95/yr. |
Literary Agents in the Listings |
View links to literary agents' and agencies' websites |
View agents' email addresses |
Add listed agents that you select to "My Literary Agents" |
Save notes on listing pages for your selected agents |
Icons designate your selected agents in all listings |
Icons designate agents who are in agencies with your selected agents |
Send a quick auto-filled query or other document directly from an agent's listing |
Receive periodic email notifications of updates to agents' listings |
Literary Agents in "My Literary Agents" |
Save and edit submission-tracking records for your selected agents |
View and edit notes for your selected agents |
Use advanced filters and options to view your selected agents in various reports |
Archive agents no longer considered in order to declutter your working lists |
Click "New Document" to personalize a document to send to an agent |
Print records of your submissions to agents |
Add agents that are not found in listings to your private "Unlisted Agents" |
Folders & Manuscripts in "My Literary Agents" |
Create folders for classifying and organizing agents |
2 |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Number of manuscripts that you can manage and track |
1 |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Query Letters, Synopses, etc., in "My Documents" |
Create query-letter templates for automated insertion of names, addresses, etc. |
Store other documents, e.g., synopses and sample chapters, for mailing |
Automatically insert (Auto-Fill) names, addresses, etc., into stored documents |
Print queries and other documents for postal mailing or hard-copy records |
Sending email in "My Documents" |
Email documents to agents from your personal SMTP account (best method) |
Email documents to yourself for remailing to agents |
Email documents to agents from 1000LiteraryAgents' server |
Automatically create records of emailed documents for tracking |
Export Data to Your Computer |
Export CSV of search results for mail merge, offline records, etc. |
Export CSV of agents in "My Literary Agents" |
Ads and Pricing |
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Discount on 1000LiteraryAgents' Premium membership |
47% |
Discount on purchase of Book Writer™ |
25% |