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New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc. - Mackenzie Brady

Mackenzie Brady
Accepts queries
Accepts email queries
See 'Submission Guidelines' below
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New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc.
110 West 40th Street, Suite 410
New York, NY 10018
Web Site
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(646) 248-7989
FAX  (646) 861-4654
Member AAR
Fiction Genres
  • Juvenile
  • Literary
  • Mystery/Suspense
  • Young Adult
Nonfiction Genres
  • Autobiography/Biography
  • Current Affairs
  • Gay/Lesbian
  • Gift Books
  • History
  • Memoirs
  • Narrative
  • Politics
  • Sports
Submission Guidelines
Send your query only when your fiction manuscript or your nonfiction proposal is complete.

In the subject line, put "Query" and the name of the agent whom you are addressing.

You may include up to 5 sample pages, double-spaced, within the email.  Do not send attachments.

The agency responds only if it is interested in seeing your work.
Interested in
She is especially interested in projects "with a strong narrative and a female bend."

Before her publishing career, she was a microbiologist; so, she is always interested in projects that present a new facet of science.

She favors "dark, visceral" novels that focus on the complexities of existing as a human.
Additional information
Mackenzie Brady joined New Leaf Literary in 2014.

New Leaf Literary & Media is "always on the lookout for fresh talent."
Previous Positions
Charlotte Sheedy Literary Agency
928 Broadway, Suite 901, New York, NY

Assistant Editor, Trunk Magazine,

Intern, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, NY

Intern, Nancy Coffey & FinePrint Literary Mgmts, New York, NY
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