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Davey Literary & Media - Beth Davey

Beth Davey
Accepts queries
Accepts email queries
See 'Submission Guidelines' below
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Davey Literary & Media
106 W. 13th Street, Suite 17
New York, NY 10011
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Member AAR
Fiction Genres
  • Commercial
  • Literary
  • Romance
  • Young Adult
Nonfiction Genres
  • Cookbooks
  • Food/Nutrition/Lifestyle
  • Memoirs
  • Narrative
  • Self-Help/Self-Improvement
Submission Guidelines
Include a cover letter and the first three chapters, or approximately 50 pages, of your manuscript.  Your cover letter should include a synopsis and a brief author's  bio.
Interested in
This agent is looking for "literary and commercial fiction as well as narrative non-fiction, memoir, romance, young adult fiction, self-help, cookbooks, and lifestyle books."
Additional information
For more than 25 years, Beth Davey was a vice president and director of publicity and corporate communications at major houses such as Ballantine Books, Little, Brown, and Rodale.
Previous Positions
Literary Agent, Inkwell Management, New York, NY.

Director of Publicity, Ballantine Books, New York, NY.

V.P., Director of Publicity and Corporate Communications, Little, Brown, London, England.

V.P. Director of Publicity, Rodale, New York, NY.

Publicist, Penguin Books, New York, NY.
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