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Sat, Jul 27, 2024
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Blake Friedmann Ltd - Isobel Dixon

Isobel Dixon
Accepts queries
Accepts email queries
See 'Submission Guidelines' below
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Blake Friedmann Ltd
1st Floor Selous House, 5-12 Mandela Street
London NW1 0DU
Web Site
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0207 387 0842
FAX  020 7691 9626
Member AAA
Fiction Genres
  • Detective/Police/Crime
  • Literary
  • Thriller
  • Young Adult
Nonfiction Genres
  • Autobiography/Biography
  • Current Affairs
  • History
  • Memoirs
  • Popular Culture
Submission Guidelines
From agency's website:
"Your submission should consist of three parts: the covering letter (please make this the body of your email), a full synopsis of approx. 500 words, and your first three chapters/10,000 words. With regard to non-fiction, please include your proposal in place of the first three chapters."

Please check website's submission guidelines for complete information.
Interested in
This agent's are wide-ranged; from young adult fiction to memoirs.
English Literature & Applied Linguistics(Masters) - University of Edinburgh, South Africa.
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