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Sat, Jul 27, 2024
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Educational Design Services LLC - Bertram Linder

Bertram Linder
Accepts queries
Accepts email queries
See 'Submission Guidelines' below
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Educational Design Services LLC
5750 Bou Avenue, Suite 1508
N. Bethesda, MD 20852
Web Site
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(301) 881-8611
FAX  (301) 881-8611
Member AAR
Fiction Genres
(none indicated)
Nonfiction Genres
  • Business/Economics
  • Child Guidance/Parenting
  • Cultural/Social Interests
  • Current Affairs
  • Drama/Music/Dance
  • Finance/Investing
  • Food/Nutrition/Lifestyle
  • Health/Fitness
  • History
  • How To
  • Journalism
  • Juvenile
  • Multicultural
  • Narrative
  • Nature/Environment
  • Politics
  • Popular Culture
  • Psychology
  • Relationships/Dating
  • Science
  • Self-Help/Self-Improvement
  • Technology
  • Women's Issues
Submission Guidelines
Prefer email submissions, after author has examined and applied the proposal guidelines on our web site.  Expect a proposal, table of contents, author biographical information, and two or more sample chapters. Will accept hard copy submissions only with SASE.
Interested in
Specializing in books for the education (K-18) market.  Especially looking for offerings involving staff development, classroom practices, textbooks, education policy.
Not interested in
Children s books, picture books, fiction and non-education related material.
Additional information
Educational Design Services LLC has been in business since 1981, acting as a literary agency and as project developers and editors.
Principal at NYC Board of Education
Teacher at NYC Public Schools
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