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Ravenskyy Literary Agency - Kelly Garett

Kelly Garett
Does not accept unsolicited queries
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Ravenskyy Literary Agency
Littleton, CO 80123
Web Site
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Member AAR
Fiction Genres
  • Action/Adventure
  • Detective/Police/Crime
  • Horror
  • Juvenile
  • Mystery/Suspense
  • Science Fiction
  • Thriller
  • Young Adult
Nonfiction Genres
  • Action/Adventure
  • Travel
  • True Crime/Investigative
Submission Guidelines
All queries should include the following three elements:

1. A pitch for the book;

2. Information about you and your writing background if you have one (for

3. The first 3 to 5 pages of the manuscript pasted into the email.

All information must be in the email, as we do NOT open attachments and we do NOT click on links.

We can assure you that we read and consider every query we receive. If we are interested in your project, we will be in contact within 60 days or sooner.


· With FICTION, you must have a completed manuscript before contacting us,
  unless you are a multi-published novelist (this does not include self

· The query letter is a short pitch (equivalent to one page, about three
  to six paragraphs).

· For FICTION, don't give a synopsis of the whole book—just write a pitch
  a couple of paragraphs long, designed to make us want to read your book.

· Important: Please also include the first three to five (or so) pages of
  your manuscript pasted in to the body of the email. Don't include any
  attachments to the email—they won't be opened. Please also refrain from
  asking us to click on a link to find out more. If you have a link to 
  your website in your signature line, and we are interested in your 
  query, we might click on it.

· Please remember this is your first writing sample and it may be your
  only chance to WOW us... so write your query accordingly. There are
  numerous books, websites, and blogs on how to write great queries.

· If we are interested in your project, we'll respond by requesting a
  proposal and sample chapters (known as a PARTIAL). You will be expected
  to send it via email in a single Word attachment.

· RESPONSE TIME FOR REQUESTED PARTIALS: Allow three months for a response
  before following up.

· We DO accept simultaneous submissions.


· Our policy is to read and consider all queries that are properly
  addressed and follow the submission guidelines.

· The only way to guarantee your email doesn't get caught in our spam
  filter is to make sure your subject line includes the word "query."

· Please DO NOT CALL unless: (1) You are a client of Ravenskyy Literary
  Agency; (2) You are already personally acquainted with Kelly, Eric or
  Joseph; or (3) You are a multi-published author (with a royalty-paying
  publisher) seeking new representation.

· Always make sure your e-mail address and phone number are clearly
  visible no matter what you are sending.
Interested in
We represent books for the Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction, and Fantasy market as well as for the general market, and I accept queries for any of them.

First and foremost, We're looking for writers who are ready for publication. This means: You have NOT simply sent us the first draft of the first book you've ever written, but rather you've studied the craft of writing, read books about it, taken classes or workshops, and honestly approached writing as the serious art, craft, and business that it is. You've taken the time to get objective feedback on your book or proposal, and revised and polished accordingly. You've read about the publishing industry to find out how it works. You've researched agents and tried to find the ones who might fit the type of work you're doing.

We're looking for books that would fit in the general market or the Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction, and Fantasy market.

Adult and YA Fiction:

Full-length fiction, 75,000 to 120,000 words. Genres: Women's, Mystery, Suspense/Thriller, Police/Crime, Literary, Mainstream, Horror, Supernatural, Fantasy or Sci-fi.
Not interested in
What we're NOT looking for?
→ Gift books
→ Poetry
→ Short stories
→ Graphic novels
Additional information
Kelly Garrett is no longer an active literary agent.  The Ravenskyy Literary Agency is no longer in existence.
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