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Sat, Jul 27, 2024
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literary agent Jason Pinter

Jason Pinter
Accepts queries
Accepts email queries
See the agent's web site for submission guidelines
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New York, NY 10011
Web Site
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(212) 675-5556
FAX  (212) 675-1381
Member AAR
Fiction Genres
  • Commercial
  • Humor/Satire
  • Literary
  • Mystery/Suspense
  • Thriller
  • Whimsical
  • Young Adult
Nonfiction Genres
(none indicated)
Submission Guidelines
Interested in
Commercial fiction (mysteries, thrillers, romantic suspense), pop culture, sports, humor, quirky literary fiction, politics/current events, urban fantasy, young adult and middle grade fiction.
Not interested in
Poetry, screenplays, picture books, category romance, or erotica.
Additional information
It appears that Mr. Pinter quit as a literary agent to concentrate on writing.

He has written several thriller novels.
Previous Positions
The Waxman Literary Agency
80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1101
New York, NY 10011

Editor at St. Martin's Press
Editor at Random House
Editor at Warner Books
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