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Sat, Jul 27, 2024
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Folio Literary Management - Jeff Kleinman

Jeff Kleinman
Accepts queries
Accepts email queries
See 'Submission Guidelines' below
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Folio Literary Management
630 9th Avenue, Suite 1101
New York, NY 10036
Web Site
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212 400 1494
FAX  212 967 0977
Member AAR
Fiction Genres
  • Commercial
  • Historical
  • Literary
  • Military/War/Spy
  • Short Stories
  • Thriller
Nonfiction Genres
  • Art/Architecture
  • Autobiography/Biography
  • Business/Economics
  • Celebrity
  • Child Guidance/Parenting
  • Health/Fitness
  • History
  • How To
  • Memoirs
  • Military/War
  • Multicultural
  • Narrative
  • Nature/Environment
  • Pets/Animals
  • Politics
  • Popular Culture
  • Psychology
  • Self-Help/Self-Improvement
  • Travel
Submission Guidelines
Contact by email only.

In the subject line, include your name and the title of the work.  At the bottom of your email, include the first page or so of your material.  (Do not send attachments or web links.)
Interested in
For fiction, this agent is interested in "extremely well-written, character-driven books" that make him "fall in love with the characters and their world."  Represented areas include upmarket commercial and literary fiction, including thriller, suspense, legal, and historical.  The novel should be between 70,000 and 120,000 words in length.

In nonfiction, the agent is interested in narrative projects in a wide variety of subjects, including art, history, espionage, military, business, memoir, animals, nature, biography, humor, crime, health, and anything unique and intriguing.  Interests also include prescriptive nonfiction on subjects such as
parenting, health and fitness, psychology, pop-culture, self-help, celebrity books, pets, some business, and other unique, intriguing subjects.
Not interested in
From the agent's web page:  "I do not represent Children's, Young Adult, Christian, Poetry, or genre commercial fiction (Science Fiction and/or Fantasy, Westerns, Mysteries, and/or romances), or Prescriptive ("How to") Travel books; nor do I represent original plays, teleplays, or screenplays."
Additional information
He typically responds to email queries within a couple of days.

See the agent's web page for links to past interviews and a schedule of upcoming conferences that he will attend.

He was one of the founders of Folio Literary Management, LLC.
B.A. in Modern Studies from the University of Virginia
M.A. in Italian from the University of Chicago
J.D. from the Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Previous Positions
Graybill & English
1875 Connecticut Ave NW, #712
Washington DC  20009
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Other Agents in Folio Literary Management


Your notes on this agent, Jeff Kleinman