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Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency - Jennifer DeChiara

Jennifer DeChiara
Accepts queries
Accepts email queries
See 'Submission Guidelines' below
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Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency
31 East 32nd Street, Suite 300
New York, NY 10016
Web Site
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Member AAR
Fiction Genres
  • Chick Lit
  • Commercial
  • Gay/Lesbian
  • Humor/Satire
  • Juvenile
  • Literary
  • Mystery/Suspense
  • Picture Books
  • Short Stories
  • Thriller
  • TV/Film Scripts
  • Young Adult
Nonfiction Genres
  • Celebrity
  • Child Guidance/Parenting
  • Current Affairs
  • Drama/Music/Dance
  • Health/Fitness
  • How To
  • Humor/Satire
  • Popular Culture
  • Psychology
  • Self-Help/Self-Improvement
  • Theater/Film
  • Women's Issues
Submission Guidelines
Fiction:  email your query with "Query" in the subject line. Send the first twenty pages in the body of your email, along with a one-paragraph bio and a one-paragraph synopsis.

Nonfiction:  attach the entire proposal as a Word document.  Include a sample chapter in the proposal.  In the body of the email, include a one-paragraph bio and a one-paragraph synopsis of your book.

Screenplays:  email a logline, a 150-word description, and your bio with "Screenplay Query" in the subject line of your email.
Interested in
In adult fiction, Jennifer DeChiara is interested in literary fiction with a unique voice, commercial fiction, women's fiction, chick-lit, mysteries, suspense, and thrillers.  She says she is "a sucker for underdog and outsider stories, manuscripts about the triumph of the human spirit."  In children's fiction, she is interested in picture books, distinctive voices, and above all, character-driven stories.

In nonfiction, she is interested in anything and everything Hollywood, especially celebrity biographies and autobiographies; also, memoirs about people who have overcome incredible odds, books about the arts and performing arts, behind-the-scenes-type books, books about popular culture, and self-help books of all kinds.  She is open to books for the GLBTQ audience, and in general, any underdog or outsider story.
Not interested in
This agent is not interested in romance, sci-fi, westerns, or poetry.
Additional information
From the website:  "The Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency is a New York City-based full-service literary agency founded in 2001 and named one of the top 25 literary agencies in the country by Writer's Digest."
Previous Positions
Peter Rubie Literary Agency

Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency
254 Park Avenue South, Suite 2L
New York, NY 10010
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