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Tue, Feb 18, 2025
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The Bent Agency - Jenny Bent

Jenny Bent
Accepts queries
Accepts email queries
See 'Submission Guidelines' below
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The Bent Agency
159 20th Street, #2B-30
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Web Site
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Member AAR
Fiction Genres
  • Commercial
  • Humor/Satire
  • Literary
Nonfiction Genres
  • Memoirs
Submission Guidelines
Email query only: brief author biography, submission synopsis and what makes your book different; insert the title of your submission with the subject line of your email; first 10 pages into body of your email. (No attachments, as per agency guidelines.)

For picture books and illustrators, please refer to Submission Guidelines at agency's website for proper submission requirements and email address.
Interested in
This agent is interested in literary fiction; women's fiction; commercial fiction; including romance; young adult and middle grade fiction; memoir; humour and suspense/crime.
Not interested in
This agent is not interested in picture books; serious non-fiction; reference; sports; self-help/how-to; science fiction; poetry.
Additional information
"All of the books I represent speak to the heart in some way: they are linked by genuine emotion, inspiration and great writing and story telling. I love books that make me laugh, make me cry, or ideally do both." per agent's website page.
Holds a B.A. and M.A. in English literature from Cambridge University in England
Previous Positions
Literary Agent, Trident Media Group
41 Madison Avenue, 36th floor
New York, NY 10010

Harvey Klinger, Inc.
301 West 53rd Street
New York, NY 10019

Sagalyn Agency
Washington DC
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