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Foundry Literary & Media - Mollie Glick

Mollie Glick
Accepts queries
Accepts email queries
See 'Submission Guidelines' below
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Foundry Literary & Media
33 West 17th Street, PH,
New York, NY 10011
Web Site
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(212) 929-5064
FAX  (212) 929-5471
Member AAR
Fiction Genres
  • Chick Lit
  • Commercial
  • Literary
  • Whimsical
  • Young Adult
Nonfiction Genres
  • Business/Economics
  • Food/Nutrition/Lifestyle
  • How To
  • Medicine
  • Memoirs
  • Narrative
  • Popular Culture
  • Religious/Inspirational
  • Science
Submission Guidelines
This agent does not accept postal mail queries.

Fiction: query letter with a synopsis, the first three chapters, and the author biography.

Non-fiction: query letter with sample chapters, a table of contents, and the author's biography.

Please do not send attachments. All information should be within the body of the email query. Read the Submissions page for full instructions.
Interested in
From agency website:  "She's particularly interested in novels that bridge the literary-commercial divide, combining a great, high concept plot with beautiful writing, and nonfiction dealing with popular science, medicine, psychology, cultural history, memoir and current events."
Not interested in
She is not interested in romance, science fiction, or fantasy.
Graduated with honors, Brown University
Previous Positions
Editor, Crown imprint of Random House
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Your notes on this agent, Mollie Glick