Barbara Bova Literary Agency - Michael Burke
Barbara Bova Literary Agency
3951 Gulf Shore Blvd. North, Unit PH 1-B
Naples, FL 34103
3951 Gulf Shore Blvd. North, Unit PH 1-B
Naples, FL 34103
Web Site
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Member AAR
Fiction Genres
- Commercial
- Mystery/Suspense
- Thriller
Nonfiction Genres
- Science
Submission Guidelines
As per agency's Submissions page: Use only the email link provided on the agency's website to submit ANY queries. DO NOT USE email listed above (For reference only.)
Email: send brief email query (maximum of 5 pages) with no attachments. Put "QUERY" in the subject line.
Postal mail: send a query of 1 to 5 pages.
In either form of query, include pertinent credentials, publishing history, and an overview of the book. Include a word count of your project. You may include a short synopsis.
Email: send brief email query (maximum of 5 pages) with no attachments. Put "QUERY" in the subject line.
Postal mail: send a query of 1 to 5 pages.
In either form of query, include pertinent credentials, publishing history, and an overview of the book. Include a word count of your project. You may include a short synopsis.
Interested in
He is "interested in well-written fiction and non-fiction."
Not interested in
He does not represent children's fiction, horror, romance, sci-fi, or fantasy, scripts, or poetry.
Additional information
The agency is likely to respond only to queries that interest them.
Other Agents in Barbara Bova Literary Agency