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Sat, Jul 27, 2024
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Cowles-Ryan Literary Agency - Katherine Cowles

Katherine Cowles
Accepts queries
Accepts email queries
See 'Submission Guidelines' below
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Cowles-Ryan Literary Agency
2335 Pacific Ave
San Francisco, MA 94115
Web Site
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FAX  (413) 298-4008
Member AAR
Fiction Genres
(none indicated)
Nonfiction Genres
  • Cookbooks
  • Food/Nutrition/Lifestyle
  • Health/Fitness
  • History
  • How To
  • Memoirs
  • Narrative
  • Politics
  • Popular Culture
  • Science
Submission Guidelines
Email queries to either agent's address at the agency.  Three paragraph format requested by the agency includes:

First paragraph--brief proposal of idea.

Second paragraph--expansion of idea or plot line

Third paragraph--information about yourself.

Please include, especially for nonfiction, your publishing history, and any awards, grants or fellowships you have received.
Interested in
Katherine's interests include narrative non-fiction, memoir, current events and culture, food and wine, science and history.
Not interested in
Romance, Westerns, Screenplays
Previous Positions
Associate Publisher, Vice-President, Simon and Schuster

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Your notes on this agent, Katherine Cowles