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Sat, Jul 27, 2024
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Sheree Bykofsky Associates, Inc. - Caroline Woods

Caroline Woods
Does not accept unsolicited queries
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Sheree Bykofsky Associates, Inc.
4326 Harbor Beach Blvd., PO Box 706
Brigantine, NJ 08203
Web Site
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Member AAR
Fiction Genres
  • Commercial
  • Historical
  • Literary
Nonfiction Genres
  • Autobiography/Biography
  • Business/Economics
  • Cookbooks
  • Drama/Music/Dance
  • Nature/Environment
  • Popular Culture
  • Psychology
  • Self-Help/Self-Improvement
  • Women's Issues
Submission Guidelines
Additional information
Caroline woods is no longer a literary agent.  She is currently on the faculty at The Boston Conservatory; and she is a lecturer in Creative Writing at Boston University.
Previous Positions
Sheree Bykofsky Associates, Inc.
4326 Harbor Beach Blvd., PO Box 706
Brigantine, NJ 08203
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Your notes on this agent, Caroline Woods