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Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. - George Nicholson

George Nicholson
Accepts queries
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Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc.
65 Bleecker Street
New York, NY 10012
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(212) 780-6050
FAX  (212) 780-6095
Member AAR
Fiction Genres
  • Juvenile
  • Young Adult
Nonfiction Genres
  • Autobiography/Biography
  • Memoirs
Submission Guidelines
Postal mail:  submit a query letter, a synopsis, a brief proposal or the first three chapters of the manuscript, a resume or brief bio, and a SASE for reply. 

The agency does not respond to unsolicited email inquiries.
Interested in
This agent represents only fiction in children's and young adult works.
Additional information
George Nicholson joined the agency in 1995.  Previously, he had founded Delacorte Press and Yearling Books.
Previous Positions
Founder, Delacorte Press and Yearling Books, New York, NY

Publisher, Books for Children, The Viking Press, New York, NY

Publisher, Bantam Doubleday Dell Books, New York, NY
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