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Literary Agency Synopsis

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Literary Agent

Chase Literary Agency
242 W 38th St, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10018
 Accepts queries, email
Fiction genres:  Commercial, Literary, Mystery/Suspense, Thriller
Nonfiction genres:  Autobiography/Biography, Business/Economics, Cookbooks, Current Affairs, Finance/Investing, Food/Nutrition/Lifestyle, Health/Fitness, History, How To, Humor/Satire, Journalism, Memoirs, Military/War, Multicultural, Narrative, Popular Culture, Science, Sports, Travel
Interested in:  Looking for original and enduring non-fiction projects in journalism, history, memoir, biography, and prescriptive non-fiction. He has a strong interest in narratives that range from current and military affairs, popular science, business, humor, pop culture, and sports.
Does not represent:  Chase Literary agency does not represent science fiction, romance, supernatural or young adult.
Other info:  Chase Literary agency does not represent science fiction, romance, supernatural or young adult.