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Literary Agency Synopsis

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Literary Agent

The Ned Leavitt Agency
70 Wooster Street, Suite 4F
New York, NY 10012
 Accepts queries
Fiction genres:  Commercial, Literary, Short Stories, Whimsical
Nonfiction genres:  Autobiography/Biography, Health/Fitness, Memoirs, Religious/Inspirational, Spirituality, Travel
Interested in:  Ned Leavitt's particular areas of interest for non-fiction include spirituality, creativity, health, and memoir / biography.
Does not represent:  The Ned Leavitt Agency is not interested in genre fiction.
 Accepts queries
Fiction genres:  Commercial, Literary
Nonfiction genres:  Art/Architecture, Autobiography/Biography, Business/Economics, Child Guidance/Parenting, Finance/Investing, Food/Nutrition/Lifestyle, Health/Fitness, Memoirs, Popular Culture, Relationships/Dating, Science, Spirituality, Technology, Theater/Film, Travel
Interested in:  She's looking for "fiction that rides the line between literary and commercial." Her other main interests are lifestyle (relationships, parenting, health), arts and entertainment, business and personal finance (especially for readers 20 to 30).
Does not represent:  The agency is not interested in genre fiction, young adult, children's books, and historical fiction.
Other info:  The agency is not interested in genre fiction, young adult, children's books, and historical fiction.