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Literary Agent Sandy HodgmanLITERARY AGENT:
Sandy Hodgman
Accepts queries, email
Einstein Thompson Agency
27 W 20th Street, suite 1003
New York, NY 10011
Literary Agent Molly ReeseLITERARY AGENT:
Molly Reese
Accepts queries, email
Einstein Thompson Agency
27 W 20th Street, suite 1003
New York, NY 10011
NONFICTION GENRES:  Cookbooks, Narrative
Literary Agent Meg ThompsonLITERARY AGENT:
Meg Thompson
Accepts queries, email
Einstein Thompson Agency
27 W 20th Street, suite 1003
New York, NY 10011
NONFICTION GENRES:  Cookbooks, Health/Fitness, Humor/Satire, Memoirs, Narrative, Popular Culture, Psychology, Science
Literary Agent John ThoraLITERARY AGENT:
John Thora
Accepts queries, email
Einstein Thompson Agency
27 W 20th Street, suite 1003
New York, NY 10011
Literary Agent Alexandra PenfoldLITERARY AGENT:
Alexandra Penfold
Accepts queries, email
Upstart Crow Literary
P.O. Box 25404
Brooklyn, NY 11202
FICTION GENRES:  Juvenile, Picture Books, Young Adult
NONFICTION GENRES:  Cookbooks, Food/Nutrition/Lifestyle
Literary Agent Lisa GrubkaLITERARY AGENT:
Lisa Grubka
Accepts queries, email
Fletcher & Company
78 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10011
FICTION GENRES:  Historical, Humor/Satire, Literary, Women's Fiction, Young Adult
NONFICTION GENRES:  Cultural/Social Interests, Food/Nutrition/Lifestyle, Health/Fitness, Humor/Satire, Journalism, Narrative, Popular Culture, Psychology, Science
Literary Agent Donald WinchesterLITERARY AGENT:
Donald Winchester
Accepts queries
AP Watt Ltd
20 John Street
London WC1N 2DR, UK
FICTION GENRES:  Commercial, Literary
NONFICTION GENRES:  Drama/Music/Dance, History, Science, Sports, Technology, Theater/Film
Literary Agent Adam SchearLITERARY AGENT:
Adam Schear
Accepts queries, email
DeFiore and Company
47 East 19th Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10003
FICTION GENRES:  Commercial, Experimental, Historical, Humor/Satire, Literary, Thriller, Young Adult
NONFICTION GENRES:  Current Affairs, Politics, Popular Culture, Science