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BookEnds, LLC - Jessica Alvarez

Jessica Alvarez
Accepts queries
Accepts email queries
See 'Submission Guidelines' below
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BookEnds, LLC
136 Long Hill Rd.
Gillette, NJ 07933
Web Site
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(908) 604-2652
Member AAR
Fiction Genres
  • Fantasy
  • Mystery/Suspense
  • Romance
  • Science Fiction
  • Women's Fiction
  • Young Adult
Nonfiction Genres
  • Business/Economics
  • Child Guidance/Parenting
  • Current Affairs
  • Popular Culture
Submission Guidelines
Bookends no longer accepts unsolicited proposal packages.  They have found that the query will engage them, even if it is not perfect.

Read submission guidelines carefully to avoid rejection of your query.

Postal mail: send 1-page query only with SASE.

Email:  send a brief query only (no attachments).

Estimated response times are 6 weeks for queries.
Interested in
From agency's website:  "...looking for submissions in historical romance (particularly 18th and 19th century!), inspirational romance, contemporary romance, category romance, erotic romance and smart, female-focused erotica, women's fiction, and cozy mysteries."
Not interested in
BookEnds does not handle children's books, short fiction, poetry, screenplays, techno-thrillers or military fiction.
Additional information
At Harlequin Books, she acquired and edited a wide array of women's fiction, specializing in historical romance, romantic suspense, and inspirational romance.

She joined BookEnds in April, 2011.

Recent releases include: Lara Lacombe's debut EDGE OF TRUST (Harlequin); Sharon Cullen's THE GENTLEMAN PIRATE (Loveswept);
1993-1997, Choate Rosemary Hall.

1997-1998, Mount Holyoke College.

1998-2001, New York University, New York.

2001-2003, New York University, New York.
Previous Positions
2008-2010, freelance editor for Harlequin, Scholastic Books, Thomas Nelson, and independent writers.

Editorial assistant, Harlequin Books.
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