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Sat, Jul 27, 2024
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BookEnds, LLC - Kim Lionetti

Kim Lionetti
Does not accept unsolicited queries
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BookEnds, LLC
136 Long Hill Rd.
Gillette, NJ 07933
Web Site
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(908) 604-2652
Member AAR
Fiction Genres
  • Mystery/Suspense
  • Romance
  • Western
  • Women's Fiction
  • Young Adult
Nonfiction Genres
  • Popular Culture
  • Science
  • True Crime/Investigative
Submission Guidelines
Bookends no longer accepts unsolicited proposal packages.  They have found that the query will engage them, even if it is not perfect, if the work to be submitted would engage them.

Snail mail: 1 page query only with SASE

Email:  brief query only (no attachments)
Interested in
Currently, Kim Lionetti is focusing on growing her lists of young adult, women's fiction, and romance.  She is accepting submissions only in those categories.
Not interested in
BookEnds does not handle children's books, short fiction, poetry, screenplays, techno-thrillers or military fiction
Additional information
Kim Lionetti joined BookEnds in March, 2004.

From the agency:  "Kim Lionetti is not currently accepting submissions. Please check back for updates on when she'll be open for submissions again."
Previous Positions
8 years - Senior Editor, Berkley Publishing.
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