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Sat, Jul 27, 2024
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Carol Mann Agency - Myrsini Stephanides

Myrsini Stephanides
Accepts queries
Accepts email queries
See 'Submission Guidelines' below
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Carol Mann Agency
55 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003
Web Site
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(212) 206-5635
FAX  (212) 675-4809
Member AAR
Fiction Genres
  • Literary
  • Picture Books
  • Young Adult
Nonfiction Genres
  • Cookbooks
  • Health/Fitness
  • Humor/Satire
  • Memoirs
  • Popular Culture
  • Science
Submission Guidelines
Carol Mann Agency does not accept postal-mail queries.

Fiction and Memoir:  send a synopsis, a brief author biography, and the first 25 pages of your manuscript in the body of the email.

Non-Fiction:  send a synopsis and  brief author biography in the body of the email.

Attachments will not be opened.
Interested in
Myrsini is also interested in Graphic, offbeat New Adult and upmarket women's fiction.
Not interested in
This agent is not looking for sci-fi/fantasy, romance, or middle-grade fiction.
Additional information
Myrsini has 10 years of experience as a nonfiction editor and book packager specializing in highly illustrated books.
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