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Foundry Literary & Media - Kirsten Neuhaus

Kirsten Neuhaus
Accepts queries
Accepts email queries
See 'Submission Guidelines' below
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Foundry Literary & Media
33 West 17th St. PH
New York, NY 10011
Web Site
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(212) 929-5064
FAX  (212) 929-5471
Member AAR
Fiction Genres
  • Commercial
  • Literary
  • Women's Fiction
Nonfiction Genres
  • Business/Economics
  • Cultural/Social Interests
  • Current Affairs
  • History
  • Memoirs
  • Narrative
  • Popular Culture
  • Relationships/Dating
Submission Guidelines
Fiction:  send a query letter with synopsis, 3 chapters of manuscript, and an author's biography.

Nonfiction:  send a query with synopsis, sample chapters, table of contents, and author's biography.

Put the agent's name in the subject line if querying by email or on the envelope if by postal mail.

Include a self-addressed envelope with a postal query.
Interested in
In nonfiction, she focuses chiefly on narrative works in fashion, relationships, beauty, memoir, business, current events, and history.  In fiction, she likes stories with strong female voices, as well as up-market commercial fiction.
Additional information
She is also the Foreign Rights Director for Foundry.
Graduate, English, Columbia University, New York, NY
Previous Positions
Elaine Markson Agency

Sanford J. Greenburger Associates

Vigliano Associates
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